YOU HAVE TO DREAM - The Story Behind the Song

You-Have-to-Dream-Painting-background-V1-no-drop-shadow-copyOver the years, I’ve been asked to define the difference between poetry and lyrics. Poetry is complete unto itself. Lyrics can be read as poetry, but often seem hollow or “rhyme-y.” When coupled with the right melody, the music and the lyrics enhance each other and live happily ever after together. It is an alchemical process that is both mysterious and magical.

Some months into the collaboration with Thomas Barquee, I started to relax and truly trust the process. I was really enjoying writing lyrics knowing that they would be expertly turned into a song. In fact, I started to let myself dream about where our songs might take us.

I know enough about the spiritual laws to know that for something to manifest in my reality, I need to act “as if” it is already here instead of noticing constantly that it is missing. As I thought about it, a new lyric began to take shape:

You have to dream a new world to create it
Be the change that you wish to see
(Yes, a nod to Gandhi there.)

You have to dream a new world like you made it
For it to be,  for it to be

For many people, the notion that “we create our own reality” is hard to understand or believe. After all, it puts so much of the responsibility on us!
Like it or not
Thoughts become things
Thinking a lot
Leads to all that it brings
Being in silence 
brings awakenings…

As the lyric started taking shape, I began to dream about the melody that these words would inspire for Thomas. The hardest part for me is waiting to hear the song for the first time. (And then, of course, after I hear it, I can’t get it out of my head!)

Thomas isn’t “only” a composer - he’s also a talented vocalist who sings through his heart. His recording of You Have to Dream strikes just the right tone with just the right hope.

Dream on, my friends. Dream the world you want to live in. Enjoy the dreams as if you were already living them. And don’t forget to listen to music while you do…

Listen here to dream on...

You Have to Dream

Thomas Barquee and Sandi Kimmel have joined musical forces to create powerful songs filled with messages of practical spirituality wrapped in soaring melodies. Each have distinguished careers as composers and recording artists, and their collaboration truly calls forth the best of them both. Together, Thomas and Sandi write music that is peaceful and nourishing, not tied to any religious format or yoga practice-based language. Their songs embrace pop song structures while at the same time, deliver the depth and energy of a sacred music or classical concert. Their heart-opening and healing songs about love, life and wisdom combine soaring melodies, powerful lyrics and rich vocals.  You Have to Dream is the result of their magical collaboration and is available for download on CD Baby.

Words by Sandi Kimmel
Music by Thomas Barquee

You have to dream a new world to create it
Be the change that you wish to see
You have to dream a new world like you made it
For it to be, for it to be

Like it or not
Thoughts become things
Thinking a lot
Leads to all that it brings
Being in silence 
Brings awakenings…

You have to dream a new world to create it
Be the change that you wish to see
You have to dream a new world like you made it
For it to be, for it to be

Like it or not
Thoughts become things
A monkey mind
Like a mockingbird sings
Turning it over
Brings awakenings…

    You can only see how far you’ve come
    From where you’ve been
    You can only see where you’re going
    When you go within

You have to dream a new world to create it
Be the change that you wish to see
You have to dream a new world like you made it
For it to be, for it to be
You have to dream
You have to dream

© 2015 T. Barquee & S. Kimmel

