IN PLAIN SIGHT - Musical Contribution #3
HEALING THE POLARITY - Musical Contribution #5 - Love Is Light

BI-PARTISAN STRESS & Music to Soothe It


There was a thought-provoking article in the New York Times about "talking to your therapist about election anxiety."  There has been a significant increase of anxiety and stress-related disorders as reported by therapists whose patients cross party lines, and across the country. Apparently, whether you're a Democrat or Republican, this election is poking at the deepest buried fears, raising long-dormant insecurities that have been layered over by years of denial. They are now laid bare for everyone to see - our own and each other's. We are a nation in pain, and hoping for relief when the election is over. I don't know about you, but I'm holding the vision that we can return to the place of "love thy neighbor" again soon.

But wait! Isn't there another way of looking at it?

We now know that the nation's anxiety cuts across political lines. We're all feeling similarly. In a weird way, we are One. Maybe we can take a step back from the news cycle long enough to recognize ourselves in others, see our own pain in their pain, our own fear in their fear. "The action of fear is to create more fear." -Paul Selig

But there is hope. And grace. Always grace.

I am using this space until the election to offer some soothing and hope by sharing songs intended to raise your vibration and open your heart, regardless of the news.  Grace (Let It Flow)  is the fourth in the series of these musical offerings. May they be an anchor in choppy waters...

Darkness is just waiting for light
Shadows are waiting for love...
Morning always follows the night
Heaven isn't only above…

Grace makes it so, let it flow…

GRACE (Let It Flow) is today's musical offering intended to help shift the energy during this energy-depleting election.

Kindness isn't only a word
Different is just a belief
Lines that separate us are blurred
Freedom is the first step toward peace...

Grace makes it so, let it flow…

Grace (Let It Flow)

Grace (Let It Flow)  is on my third album, REACH UP.  Featuring John Guth,Grace (Let It Flow) is available on my website Sandi , or for download at CD Baby and iTunes.   Please visit my website to learn more about me and my music.  You can listen to Grace (Let It Flow) and all of my other songs anytime on SoundCloud.

Thanks so much for listening and for sharing the music!

GRACE (Let It Flow)
Words & music by Sandi Kimmel

Darkness is just waiting for light  
Shadows are waiting for love
Morning always follows the night
Heaven isn’t only above.

    Grace makes it so –     
    Let it flow.

Kindness isn’t only a word
Different is just a belief
Lines that separate us are blurred
Freedom is the first step toward peace

    Grace makes it so –
    Let it flow.

        Let it flow with every word    
        Let it flow in every deed
        Let it flow like running water
        Flowing down on every seed.

Open feels much better than closed
Giving doesn’t mean there is less
Living with your own heart exposed
Blesses everyone that you pass

Grace makes it so –
    Let it flow.

        Let it flow with every word    
        Let it flow in every deed
        Let it flow like running water
        Flowing down on every seed

Grace makes it so –
    Let it flow.
    Let it flow.

 © 2008 S. Kimmel

About My Blog:
Soul Feathers - wisps of wisdom and tickles of truth, observations and offerings from my heart and music for the soul. We each have a part to play in this great movie, and mine is gently but consistently toss pebbles into the lake of humanity, and watch the ripples make waves.

Soul Feathers is also the name of the album I recorded with producer Thomas Barquee. He artfully elevated the music to a high vibration of love and healing, truly music for these times. Music has the power to move and motivate, soothe and uplift, and these songs and chants support the journey as the music reflects my own journey.

By sharing my perspective, practical spirituality and positive music, it is my intention to release soul-nourishing pebbles in the sea of our emerging consciousness. By sharing this work with other like-minded and like-hearted friends, you become part of the wave.

