During this very attention-grabbing election season, it's very easy to feel pulled off center...and down. For the next few weeks, I will use this space to offer some soothing from the news, sharing songs intended to raise your vibration and open your heart.
Today's selection is Ancestors & Angels. It begins with an invocation and ends with an exclamation. And in between, appreciation for those who came before who are always part of us. We can call on them anytime. Even before Election Day...
Hear me, hear me call you...
Ancestors & Angels is on my third album, REACH UP. Featuring John Guth, Ancestors & Angels is available on my website Sandi Kimmel.com , or for download at CD Baby and iTunes. Please visit my website to learn more about me and my music. You can listen to Ancestors & Angels and all of my other songs anytime on SoundCloud.
Thanks so much for listening and for sharing the music!
Words & music by Sandi Kimmel
Hear me, hear me call you; Hear me, hear me call you
I call on my ancestors
And all of the angels
Show me the way
A step a day
Please light the path.
I’m blessed by my ancestors
And all of the angels
Along the way
I stop and pray
To light the path.
And take the next logical step
And trust the process
Day by day and breath by breath
The journey unfolds
All is well and timely
For my soul.
Hear me, hear me call you; Hear me, hear me call you
I honor my ancestors
And all of the angels
I understand
At my command
They light the path.
I thank all my ancestors
And all of the angels
For all the love
Sent from above
To light on the path.
Take the next logical step
And trust the process
Day by day and breath by breath
The journey unfolds
All is well and timely for my soul. 2x
(They) hear you, hear you call them
Hear you, hear you call them
Just call on your ancestors
And all of the angels
They show the way
As step a day
And light the path
You’re blessed by your ancestors
And all of the angels
Along the way
Just stop and pray
To light the path
Take the next logical step
And trust the process
Day by day and breath by breath
The journey unfolds
All is well and timely for my soul. 2x
© 2006 S. Kimmel
About My Blog:
Soul Feathers - wisps of wisdom and tickles of truth, observations and offerings from my heart and music for the soul. We each have a part to play in this great movie, and mine is gently but consistently toss pebbles into the lake of humanity, and watch the ripples make waves.
Soul Feathers is also the name of the album I recorded with producer Thomas Barquee. He artfully elevated the music to a high vibration of love and healing, truly music for these times. Music has the power to move and motivate, soothe and uplift, and these songs and chants support the journey as the music reflects my own journey.
By sharing my perspective, practical spirituality and positive music, it is my intention to release soul-nourishing pebbles in the sea of our emerging consciousness. By sharing this work with other like-minded and like-hearted friends, you become part of the wave.