BI-PARTISAN STRESS & Music to Soothe It
IF I COULD GIVE YOU EVERYTHING - Musical Contribution #6

HEALING THE POLARITY - Musical Contribution #5 - Love Is Light


 Years ago, many spiritual teachers taught that we were moving into a time where the polarity would get more polar. What?? I had no idea what that meant. I'm sad to say that now I understand…

Having differing opinions is one thing. But lacing the opinions with fear, hatred, bigotry and intolerance is a completely different story. I don't think it's "just" political correctness that keeps the conversation civil. I believe that deep down, under the noise, the rhetoric and the propaganda, we can find common ground. Once we till the soil, the seeds of hope can be planted and watered until the magnificent Tree of Humanity grows stronger and proud.

Many birds, one tree
We are all one family
Many hearts, one world
Love is why were here.

Love Is Light is today's musical offering intended to help shift the energy during this intensely-polar election. It was written with the intention of using the words love, light and God interchangeably, because after all, aren't  they?

Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  
Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  

I invite you to take the next few minutes to “reverse poles” and get into the vibration of love. And light. And God. It sure beats politics! (Or is that pole-itics?)

Love Is Light

I am using this space until the election to offer some soothing and hope by sharing songs intended to raise your vibration and open your heart, regardless of the news.  Love Is Light is the fourth in the series of these musical offerings. May they be an anchor in choppy waters...

Love Is Light is on my third album, REACH UP.  Featuring John Guth, Love Is Light is available on my website Sandi or for download at CD Baby and iTunes.   Please visit my website to learn more about me and my music.  You can listen to Love Is Light and all of my other songs anytime on SoundCloud.

Thanks so much for listening and for sharing the music!

Music & lyrics by Sandi Kimmel

Many birds, one tree,
We are all one family.
Many hearts, one world –
Love is why we’re here.


Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  
Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  

Many paths, one true –
How it goes depends on you.
Touch the earth, and sky
Love is why we’re here.

Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  
Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  

Many stars shine on
Long after the night has gone.
All the lights beam love
Love is why we’re here.

Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  
Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  
Love is light is God is light
Is Light is God is love.  
Light, God, Love!

  © 2004 S. Kimmel, Sandessence Music (BMI)

About My Blog:
Soul Feathers - wisps of wisdom and tickles of truth, observations and offerings from my heart and music for the soul. We each have a part to play in this great movie, and mine is gently but consistently toss pebbles into the lake of humanity, and watch the ripples make waves.

Soul Feathers is also the name of the album I recorded with producer Thomas Barquee. He artfully elevated the music to a high vibration of love and healing, truly music for these times. Music has the power to move and motivate, soothe and uplift, and these songs and chants support the journey as the music reflects my own journey.

By sharing my perspective, practical spirituality and positive music, it is my intention to release soul-nourishing pebbles in the sea of our emerging consciousness. By sharing this work with other like-minded and like-hearted friends, you become part of the wave.
