Previous month:
November 2016
Next month:
January 2017



According to Numerology, 2016 adds up to a 9, which represents completion. My understanding is that collectively, we’re wiping the slate clean for a new beginning, another nine-year cycle. The good news is that we are in that precious, sacred time where we get to envision 2017 with all of its magical possibilities, regardless of what transpired this past year.

This time of year during the long, dark nights, I always make some room for some quiet reflection time - what did I love about the year? What would I have wished were different? What will the year ahead hold? How can I take the lessons from this past year and use them in the year ahead so that I’m not doomed to repeat them again? And again and again.

I can also take the most challenging parts of last year and work on my perception of them. By softening around the judgement - of myself or the situation or anyone else with whom I shared the challenge - I can actually transform the effect of its hold on me by turning it over for a fresh, new perspective. In other words, I re-frame it using Love and Light as my guides. Simple. And then, instead of repeating the litany of all that went wrong, I clear my throat and offer my voice with a new song.

Isn’t it time for a New Song for us all? Haven’t we had enough divisiveness? Can’t we begin the process of healing the polarity? Here’s my offering toward that dream…

New Song

Words & music by Sandi Kimmel

It’s time for a new song
Sung together with one voice
It’s time for a new song
All connected by one choice

Deep down, underneath the din
Love’s vibration always streaming in
Let the healing begin

It’s time for a new song
Can’t you feel there’s a fresh start?
It’s time for a new song
As we awaken to one heart

Listen closely with your inner ear
Love’s vibration louder than the fear
And the message is clear

It’s time for a new song
To uplift and empower
It’s time for a new song
We can sing by the hour

It’s time for a new song
Be the change that it’s bringing
It’s time for a new song
It’s the sound of love singing
It’s time for a new song
New song new song new song Now!

©  2008 S. Kimmel

New Song is on my third album, REACH UP.  Featuring John Guth on multiple instruments, and some vocal harmony with Lisa Jane Lipkin, New Song is available on my website Sandi or for download at CD Baby and iTunes.   Please visit my website to learn more about me and my music.  You can listen to New Song and all of my other songs anytime on SoundCloud.

Thanks so much for listening and for sharing the music!


About My Blog:
Soul Feathers - wisps of wisdom and tickles of truth, observations and offerings from my heart and music for the soul. We each have a part to play in this great movie, and mine is gently but consistently toss pebbles into the lake of humanity, and watch the ripples make waves.

Soul Feathers is also the name of the album I recorded with producer Thomas Barquee. He artfully elevated the music to a high vibration of love and healing, truly music for these times. Music has the power to move and motivate, soothe and uplift, and these songs and chants support the journey as the music reflects my own journey.

By sharing my perspective, practical spirituality and positive music, it is my intention to release soul-nourishing pebbles in the sea of our emerging consciousness. By sharing this work with other like-minded and like-hearted friends, you become part of the wave.

Thank you for listening and especially for sharing!



WISHES & WARMTH - Shine Your Light


Whatever you celebrate, know that we are all connected during this sacred season! Shine Your Light in every direction. It is needed everywhere!

And when all the shopping and chopping and prepping and wrapping and baking and eating and celebrating are behind us, let's remember that the nights are still long and dark, and the world needs light now more than ever. What can you do? Shine yours. Everywhere. At everyone. Anytime. Always...

Blessings & love to you!

Shine Your Light

You can let this chant worm its way into your ears to remind you how important your light is to the whole. Truly, it is.

My singing partner for this a cappella chant is the incomparable songbird Lisa Jane Lipkin whose light shines all the way from NY to CA...and beyond!


About My Blog:
Soul Feathers - wisps of wisdom and tickles of truth, observations and offerings from my heart and music for the soul. We each have a part to play in this great movie, and mine is gently but consistently toss pebbles into the lake of humanity, and watch the ripples make waves.

Soul Feathers is also the name of the album I recorded with producer Thomas Barquee. He artfully elevated the music to a high vibration of love and healing, truly music for these times. Music has the power to move and motivate, soothe and uplift, and these songs and chants support the journey as the music reflects my own journey.

By sharing my perspective, practical spirituality and positive music, it is my intention to release soul-nourishing pebbles in the sea of our emerging consciousness. By sharing this work with other like-minded and like-hearted friends, you become part of the wave.

Thank you for listening and especially for sharing!


HO, HO, HO! And Other Holiday Stress Relievers


Are you feeling the quickening of time as we zoom into the holidays?  I know I am…so I came up with some simple tips for a stress-free holiday season. (OK…in all honesty, there will still be a little stress. But that means you are a fully engaged active participant in this slightly frenetic time of the year!) Help is on the way!

Continue reading "HO, HO, HO! And Other Holiday Stress Relievers" »



Wrapping spiritual truths in simple, singable melodies delivers uplifting messages with innocence and warmth. This version of Ba Ba Black Sheep was written on that foundation. And to my utter surprise and absolute delight, it has struck the right tone internationally.

Between this YouTube version, or here on SoundCloud, and on dozens of streaming internet radio sites, Ba Ba Black Sheep is heard by more than a thousand people a day, including you…

Continue reading "BLEATING MY OWN DRUM - Ba Ba Black Sheep" »